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Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is a sister science of yoga that was originally passed down as an oral tradition in ancient India. It was recorded in Sanskrit more than 5,000 years ago in four sacred texts called the Vedas, meaning “the Knowledge.”  In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means "the Science of Life." Imagine how amazing and powerful natural medicine will be after another 5,000 years of research and development. With Ayurveda, we already have it!

Ayurveda and yoga are best used together, helping us create a foundation for vitality in our lives through nutrition, lifestyle, and mindfulness. This foundation, once established through balance, opens up our body’s innate ability to heal through our own vitality. 


With the modalities of Ayurveda - while they may seem simple and gentle at first - through practice and over time the ability to set daily practices ("dinachariya") guide us towards a solid foundation for health. When you begin your work with us we will determine your Ayurvedic body type and "dosha" balance. Using Ayurvedic and naturopathic science, wisdom, and nature-based treatments we will then work with you to optimize your body’s health while cultivating greater balance in all aspects of your life.


Among our favorite healing tools, Ayurvedic-inspired detoxes and seasonal cleanses are powerful ways to dramatically accelerate the healing process. Ayurveda and yoga are tools that empower us to live happy and healthy lives!

Golden Chakra

Click here to learn more about Ayurveda.


Naomi is a certified Ayurvedic Health Consultant and an experienced Yoga Instructor.

Book a free consultation with us today to discover what Ayurveda and Yoga can do to improve your health and happiness!

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