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What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

A Naturopathic Doctor is a holistic, primary care physician who is trained to treat all types of health issues with the most natural, least toxic and least invasive therapies available. We take time to understand each patient's unique history, body and lifestyle and then support that person in a way that reverses and prevents disease while optimizing overall wellness, happiness, and longevity.


Naturopathic Medicine is "holistic medicine" in the sense that it considers not only the physical determinants of health and disease, but also the relevant psychological, social, and spiritual factors, and takes all of this into account when diagnosing and treating illness. We recognize that each "disease" is caused by multiple factors and seek to identify and address all of them.


Therapies and medications used by Naturopathic Doctors include mind-body medicine, botanical and nutritional medicine, physical and environmental medicine, counseling, more esoteric "energy" medicine and, when necessary, may even involve minor surgery and the use of conventional pharmaceuticals.


The goal of Naturopathic Medicine is really about achieving long-term health by finding and addressing the underlying causes of illness rather than simply managing symptoms. This path to healing often involves modifying lifestyles that present barriers to the body's natural capacity to heal. In this sense, Naturopathic doctors seek to educate and empower their patients to take more responsibility for their own well-being.


Naturopathic Doctors have as much education as MD's. We earn a bachelor degree and complete the same pre-medical courses before beginning Naturopathic medical school. Naturopathic medical school is a four-year, nationally accredited, intensive educational program. It requires the same study of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, pathology, and pharmacology as what MD's study in conventional medical school, with additional intensive study in nutrition, mind-body medicine, botanical medicine, physical medicine, medical philosophy, homeopathy and hydrotherapy. We use the same blood labs and imaging studies MD's use but also have access to a variety of specialized tests that conventional doctors do not use.



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