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Our Team

A uniquely powerful synergy of Naturopathy and Ayurveda from a dedicated wife & husband team.

Dr. Brett "Forrest" Shenkman is a licensed naturopathic medical doctor with a special gift for empowering 

and guiding others to achieve transformative healing.


Naomi Martnick is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Certified Yoga Instructor, and accomplished artist with a special gift for creatively 

applying these powerful Eastern healing traditions to balancing the body, mind, and spirit.


They currently live in beautiful Cape Cod, MA with their pug, Frank.
(Read more below...)


Dr. Forrest

Co-Founder, Naturopathic Medical Doctor

Dr. Brett “Forrest” Shenkman is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (NMD) who is loved by his patients for his compassion, attention to detail, encouragement, and effective, innovative natural treatments. He deeply believes in the healing power of nature inherent in all people and has a true talent for activating it in his patients to bring about true healing. His favorite healing tools include nutrition and diet therapy, botanical medicine, cleansing and detoxification, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, counseling, and mind/body medicine.

Since he was a young child, Dr. Forrest had a special gift for understanding the needs of others and wanted to one day use this gift as a physician. When he was 16, he suffered with severe depression and anxiety and when he was 23 he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He was disappointed with the way his doctors managed these serious conditions and it wasn’t until he took responsibility for his health into his own hands that he truly overcame them. He now sees his struggle with diabetes and his history of depression as opportunities that have lead him to live a healthier, happier, more meaningful life than he would have been capable of without these serious health challenges. By personally overcoming these struggles he has cultivated a unique wealth of wisdom, empathy, and encouragement that he uses to help his patients - to not only overcome their own health issues - but also to use them as an opportunity to become healthier and happier than ever before.


Dr. Forrest completed a bachelor degree in Philosophy and Science in 2011 at Kutztown University, PA graduating Suma Cum Laude. He earned a certificate in Permaculture in 2012 and, soon after, began naturopathic medical school at National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR.  In 2017 he completed his rigorous 5-year program and was awarded a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, graduating at the top of his class with Highest Honors. During his medical education he also completed a year of coursework in holistic mind/body medicine and mental health counseling. 


After graduating medial school he completed an internship at True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, CA where he learned to use fasting and a whole-food-plant-based diet to rapidly and deeply detoxify the body and heal various ailments.  In 2019 he completed a 15-month residency program at an intensive inpatient holistic medical facility in Sedona, AZ where he successfully treated various conditions ranging from high blood pressure, to rheumatoid arthritis, to end-stage pancreatic cancer and everything in between.


In his free time, Dr. Forrest enjoys cooking, hiking, biking, writing, and spending time with friends and family. He is also a semi-professional singer/songwriter. Listen to his music for free at


In March 2019 he, his wife, Naomi, and their pug, Frank, moved back to the Northeast US to be closer to family and to bring this refreshing, powerful medicine to Lehigh Valley, PA and Cape Cod, MA where it is desperately needed.  


Book an appointment or a free consult today to learn how Dr. Forrest can help you achieve optimal health!


Naomi Martnick

Co-Founder, Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, Certified Yoga Instructor, Artist

Naomi is a professional yoga instructor and Ayurvedic consultant who loves to bring these powerful Eastern healing traditions into the lives of others with a gentle, thoughtful touch. As an accomplished artist, she deeply believes in the healing power of creative expression for all people, whether they are "artistically inclined" or not. Through her experience in her own health journey and her passion to help others heal, Naomi is an excellent guide and enjoys encouraging others to live a life of health and happiness. 

Naomi has always been drawn to the arts - not just for the joy of creating - but also as a path to healing. She received her Associates degree in interior design in 2008 and went on to manage a jewelry store for several years before moving to Portland, OR in 2012. 


In 2014 Naomi combined her love of creating and passion for gemstones into a business, Dancing Moon. Drawing from the vibrational healing properties of gemstones and precious metals, this handmade jewelry line is lovingly created to positively uplift and inspire those who wear it.  She also enjoys sharing the healing power of creative expression by teaching others to create jewelry and art of their own.


Naomi first entered the world of the healing arts by completing a 200-hour yoga certification in Kauai, HI in the summer of 2015. She went on to study at the Sarasvati Institute of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy and earned her 500-hour Yoga and Ayurveda Certification in 2016. In 2017 she taught as an art therapist at a wellness retreat center and she began teaching yoga professionally in Sedona, AZ in 2018. 


Over her life, Naomi has overcome a variety of health issues with natural medicine and a health-promoting lifestyle. When she was 22 she was hospitalized for internal bleeding after a large ovarian cyst suddenly ruptured. She was disappointed when her medical doctors only had one option to prevent it from happening again - to take birth control and turn off the body’s innate wisdom.  This was an unacceptable treatment because Naomi was also given birth control when she was a young teenager and suffered severe side effects. So, Naomi – like many others – had no choice but to seek alternative solutions and began to work with a naturopathic doctor to naturally rebalance her hormones.

Two years later, Naomi was struggling with debilitating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms almost every time she ate food. Under her naturopathic doctor’s guidance she began an elimination diet which led her to discover that soy products were causing her chronic digestive symptoms. It was eye-opening, and somewhat astounding, to see how many products contain soy, something that is also estrogenic (ie. it is literally a plant estrogen and binds to estrogen receptors in the human body) and in most cases heavily genetically modified. 


Naomi has now had soy out of her diet for the past 5 years. By eating a healthy and balanced diet along with seasonal Ayurvedic cleanses, she has successfully healed her gut to the point where she can tolerate an occasional food with soy ingredients without a problem.


Because it is estrogenic, soy was also likely contributing to the root cause of her ovarian cysts. It was also contributing to very heavy, painful menstrual periods that left Naomi chronically anemic to the point where she depended on routine intravenous iron infusions. Again, the only solution conventional medicine offered for this issue was to stop her periods, altogether, with birth control, and again her only option was alternative medicine. With persistence and faith in her body, after several challenging years of working with naturopathic medicine, Ayurveda, yoga, herbalism, and her own healing intuition, her periods are no longer heavy and she is no longer anemic. She has since helped many other women with similar issues.


In addition to providing private health consultations, Naomi loves teaching yoga and art classes and sharing with others mindfulness practices and the act of being in the moment. She is available to teach private or public yoga sessions and art and craft workshops.


Book an appointment or a free consult today to learn how Naomi can help you achieve optimal health!

Brett Bio Anchor
Naomi Bio Anchor


Pug Mascot

Frank exemplifies the power of unconditional love. He brings joy and laughter to everything he touches. Now 10 years old, he has been Dr. Forrest & Naomi's canine companion since he was a young pup. Although he sheds constantly and has pretty bad breath, his snuggles are irresistible. Frank is a source of inspiration and reminds us, every day, to appreciate the simple things in life.

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