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Are you truly healthy?

You are a unique individual! There are aspects of your personal history, genetics, habits, circumstances, and beliefs that make you unlike any other person. To most effectively guide you on your journey to optimal health it is important to develop a holistic picture of who you are. In going through this process you will also learn much about the true determinants of health - the foundations of a healthy life.


This is why you start your work with us by filling out our Comprehensive Health Review. This 12-page document will not only allow us to see and understand the uniqueness of your body, lifestyle, and personal history - it will also help YOU to better see and understand your overall state of health. During your initial 1-hour appointment with us we will explore your health review together to assess your health status, determine your most important health-related needs, establish attainable health goals, and begin to chart a course to achieve those goals. 


If we are meeting in-person, we will also perform a full physical exam during your first appointment. If you are working with us online, we may recommend that you see a healthcare provider in-person if we believe a physical examination is necessary for determining your state of health. Depending on your symptoms and medical history, we may also recommend blood work, imaging, or other specialized lab tests.



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