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If you have a body, we can help!
We believe there is no limit to the healing that our bodies are capable of when given the necessary conditions for health. In our work with you, our ultimate goal is to empower you to establish and maintain these fundamental "Foundations of Health." 
Natural, holistic medicine is for everyone. No matter who you are, we can help you achieve better health. With experience successfully treating the full spectrum of health and disease - from healthy individuals with no complaints to people with end-stage cancer - we don’t turn down complicated or challenging cases.*
We are experienced and comfortable working with people in all walks of life and states of health, including (but not limited to) the following demographics, conditions, symptoms, and complaints. We are honored to serve:


People of all states of wellness, from vibrant health to terminal illness


People of all races, genders, religions, economic statuses and sexual orientations


People of all ages: Children, Adolescents, Young Adults, Midle-Age Adults & Elderly



Prediabetes & Diabetes (type I & II)

High Blood Pressure & High Cholesterol

Heart Disease & Stroke

Heartburn, Acid Reflux & Stomach Ulcers

Allergies (Seasonal & Others)

Unnecessary Reliance on Pharmaceutical Medicaiton

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s disease & Ulcerative Colitis)

Pancreatitis & Pancreatic Insufficiency

Celiac Disease & Food Sensitivities

Thyroid Disease (Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism)

Osteoarthritis & Gout


Rheumatoid Arthritis 

Multiple Sclerosis

Psoriasis and Eczema


Sexually Transmitted Diseases (including Herpes, HPV, etc)

Lyme Disease (Acute & Chronic)

Toxic Exposure (including Heavy Metal Toxicity)

Rashes & Skin Issues (including Acne)


Flu & Common Colds

Poor Immune Function (eg. always catching colds)

Pneumonia & Bronchitis

Emphysema & COPD

Bacterial & Viral Infections (acute or chronic)

Parasitic Infections, Dysbiosis & SIBO

Fungal Infections

Cancer (all types)

Hair Loss


Overweight & Obesity


Clotting Disorders

Heavy Periods

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


Infertility (male & female)

Erectile Dysfunction

Addiction (of all sorts)


Parkinson’s disease

Dementia & Alzheimers

Kidney Disease

Liver Disease 


Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain

Macular Degeneration




Anxiety Disorders

Biopolar Disorder


Psychosis & Schizophrenia

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Attention Deficit Disorders

Eating Disorders (Anorexia & Bulimia) 

Acute injuries (car accidents, etc)

“Idiopathic” conditions (unknown diagnosis)

....and more!



*We are strong advocates of integrative medicine. Healthcare is a complicated matter and the best results often happen when you have more than one healthcare provider on your team. At our best, we serve along side open-minded primary care medical doctors, conventional specialists (eg. Endocrinologists, cardiologists), dentists, optometrists, psychologists, massage therapists, chiropractors, etc. This way you have all of the options, expertise, and direction you need - whenever you need it.

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