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Respect for privacy (Fully HipAA compliant)

We use highly secure, encrypted, made-for-healthcare communications and data platforms to keep your personal information safe and private. We will never share any of your information with any third party.

do no harm

(physical or financial)

It is our priority to recommend health goods and services that have maximum benefit at minimum invasiveness and price.


(even if we can't provide it)

If at any point you - or we - feel that your health would be better served by options we are unable to provide, we will do everything in our power to help you find the expertise and services you need.

the "fine Print"

Our Role in Your Health

Our purpose in your life is to support your body naturally while we enlighten and empower you to live a health-promoting style that prevents and reverses chronic disease. Although you will very likely become less reliant on conventional (pharmaceutical) medicine over time, at this point in time we are unable to offer "Primary Care," meaning we cannot be the only wellness practitioners you are working with.


It is very important that during your work with us you maintain your relationships with your other healthcare practitioners, especially your Primary Care Doctor. This is important for many reasons, but perhaps the greatest reason is that those practitioners are the gatekeepers for important screening exams, lab work, imaging, other medical tests, and all things that require insurance coverage in order to afford.


Ideally, we will work WITH your other practitioners so that together we can serve every aspect of your health from a variety of perspectives and with a variety of tools. Of course, we are always happy to communicate and collaborate with any other practitioners you have in order to ensure the best possible overall care for your health.

We're Strict About Timing

In order to keep the cost of our services affordable it is very important that our clients make their appointments on time. Please stick to the following guidelines regarding appointment times:​​


  • RESCHEDULING: We will happily reschedule your appointment with a minimum of 24 hours notice (we may make exceptions for special circumstances)


  • BEING LATE FOR APPOINTMENTS: Please be prepared for your appointment 5 minutes before it begins.

    • Unlike typical doctor appointments, your appointment with us will actually begin at the scheduled time! We will call you or arrive at your home within 1 minute of the exact time your appointment is scheduled to begin.

    • If you are unavailable when we call or show up for your appointment, we will try again after 5 minutes (this 5 minutes will be deducted from your appointment time, so if you had 20 minutes scheduled the appointment will now only be 15 minutes long). 

    • If you are still unavailable at the second attempt to begin your appointment your appointment will be considered "missed" and cancelled without notice.


  • NO REFUNDS FOR MISSED APPOINTMENTS: If you miss an appointment without 24 hours of notice, the following will happen

    • For Journey-To-Health Appointments: the appointment is cancelled and you've missed your appointment for that week unless you reschedule it by purchasing an additional consult (only $25 per 20 minutes). â€‹

    • For General Appointments: the appointment is cancelled and your deposit will not be refunded and cannot be used for a future appointment. Home Visit fees (for driving) will not be refunded if we show up to your home for your appointment and you are unavailable. â€‹â€‹

Money Back Guarantee

If you follow your Journey To Health program thoroughly and do not achieve any improvement to your wellbeing, we will gladly refund the cost of your Journey To Health program for the period of time it was measurably and completely ineffective.


Please recognize this guarantee only applies to Journey To Health program membership fees for the specific period of time it was deemed completely ineffective and excludes the following: home visit fees, supplement purchases, supply purchases, additional consultations, general appointments that are not part of the Journey To Health program, and any other goods or services provided through Archway Vitality for which we do not explicitly offer the guarantee.


We are way-showers: we assess your state of health, determine your biggest obstacles to achieving optimal health, establish reasonable health goals, and then develop and guide you through a custom-tailored program to overcome those obstacles and achieve those goals. The guidance and recommendations we give to you have the potential to have significant positive impact on your health, but there are several other factors outside of our control that contribute to your state of health in significant ways. Because of this, we cannot take full responsibility for your health-related outcomes. It would be unwise for anyone to place such a responsibility in the hands of others.


Your success with this program depends on your willingness and ability to take responsibility for your health. If you commit yourself to your health and approach your work with us with a sense of persistence, patience, and an open mind, you will certainly enjoy various improvements - not only in your health - but throughout your life, in general, as well. However, this also means that if you are unwilling or unable to persistently put forth the effort necessary for true healing it is unreasonable to expect dramatic results. Therefore, once again, this guarantee only applies if - despite having followed your Journey To Health wellness program diligently - you experience no identifiable improvements to your overall state of health.


In order to redeem this guarantee you must (1) fill out a claim form in which you describe the extent to which you followed your program and explain why you believe your health has not improved in any way, (2) complete a health status update questionnaire, and (3) maintain a daily journal of your experiences and reflections during your entire Journey To Health program and submit this journal to Archway Vitality along with your claim to substantiate that you have been doing the work and that you have experienced no discernible improvements in your health. 


Once your completed claim is submitted we will review it and if you have adequately demonstrated the requirements of the guarantee we will issue your refund within 15 days of receiving your claim.


If you have any further questions or concerns about the money-back guarantee, we recommend setting up a free 15 minute consult prior to beginning your work with us to make sure we are on the same page.

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