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  • Writer's pictureNaomi

What is Ayurveda?

You may be asking yourself…so, what is Ayurveda anyway?

Ayurveda is a sister science to Yoga focusing on nutrition and lifestyle. It is meant to accompany yoga to promote total wellbeing. Ayurveda has been around for over 5,000 years and in Sanskrit it means “the science of life”. It was passed down as an oral tradition in ancient India before it was recorded.

Since Ayurveda’s main focus is nutrition and lifestyle it has the ability to truly brings balance into your daily life. Living an Ayurvedic lifestyle (or a yoga lifestyle for that matter) is something that grows gradually over time. Today in our society there is an overwhelming amount of work required of us all making it near impossible to create our own work-life balance. It’s hard to fully commit without having to uproot our daily lives. Ayurveda & yoga can be a foundation that builds up over time and creates that balance we all deserve. The amazing thing is once you start to experience the benefits of living this way you will naturally create more time and space for it.

Yoga focuses on the bringing into balance the body, mind, and cultivating spirituality. It helps us tune inward and be mindful. This tuning in we do in yoga builds a place for self love, inspiring discovery, and a strong connection for us to start listening to our bodies again, because lets face it, our bodies are screaming at us to listen. Instead, we keep shutting those pathways down with “band aids” and a mindset to ignore our strong inner wisdom or worse we have a monster of negative self-talk within that we need to slay. It’s similar to that “gut feeling” we all have experienced at one time or another in our lives. Yoga is also for exercise, toning the body, and helping the systems of the body run more smoothly.

The thing I love about Ayurveda is it can be so simple. We are so bombarded by information that can make it seem like we need to keep switching diets, trying new pills, and figuring out our best ways to feel healthy. All the while feeling unable to sort through all of the pros & cons added to taking pills with multiple side affects. Wouldn’t you love to feel fully supported and try some simple natural things that can have positive transformative affects on your body, mind, and spirit?

Ayurveda looks for the root cause of imbalance in the body. Every body is different and Ayurveda has a simple way to categorize your body type through the Doshas. The Doshas are a guide to where your body is currently at and what types of things could be out of balance. There are three main doshas and yours can change over time. When things are out of balance there are simple steps to begin to balance them again through proper hydration, committing to daily routines such as eating meals at the same time, and setting the foundations for proper digestion and elimination.

While you may say that your body is way to complicated, Ayurveda has a way to bring even the most complicated ailments back into balance utilizing simple solutions. I guess with anything, you have to be willing to do the simple things! Ayurveda helps set up the foundations of health so that our wise bodies vitality can more easily heal!

For many of us by the time we arrive at Ayurveda and Natural Medicine we have tried so many things with diligence and failure of relief. I want to encourage you to try again, to try here, because there is a way you can begin to feel happy and healthy and live a life of wellbeing!

We all have innate wisdom within us, if you want to tap more into yours contact me today for your Free 15 minute Consult!

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